Sunday, November 3, 2013

Egg white omelet with wilted greens and cream cheese

 I woke up way earlier than I normally do on a Sunday thanks to Daylight Savings Time. I made an egg white omelet with wilted greens (chard, spinach, and kale blend from Trader Joe's - which is going to be awesome in salads for lunch next week!) and Laughing Cow veggie cream cheese.  I've had a crazy week and have subsequently eaten like crap all week.  I needed something healthy.

It's not pretty.  I cannot make an omelet to save my life...  But the results were TASTY!!!!

4 egg whites
1 tablespoon water
salt & pepper to taste
1 wedge Laughing Cow cream cheese (or 1- 2 tablespoons any flavor cream cheese - I really like jalepeno cream cheese but was going for light this morning)
1/2 cup to 1 cup fresh greens (I used the greens blend from Trader Joe's - it has baby chard, baby kale, and spinach)

Separate the egg whites from the yolks. Keep the yolks if you plan to use them for something else.  I've heard they freeze well so you don't even have to use them immediately.  I'm going through a yolks-are-gross phase right now so I just tossed them.  Put the whites into a bowl.  Add the water.  Add salt and pepper. Whisk.  I use a fork because I have never mastered the whisk.  Weird; I know!  Spray a pan with cooking spray.  Pour the eggs into the pan and heat over medium heat.  Cook until bottom is done.  Flip and cook the rest.  As you can see by my ugly eggs, I haven't mastered the flipping part yet.  Meanwhile, in another pan, wilt the greens.  I sprayed the pan with a little spray and tossed them in there.  Next time I make these, I will chop the greens a little bit; the pieces were a little bit too big.  Once the eggs are done to your liking (I made these a little more done than I usually prefer my eggs), put them on a plate.  Smear the cream cheese over the eggs.  Top with the greens.  Fold in half.  Dig in!

This was just the breakfast I needed to feel human again.