Thursday, August 15, 2013

That Gator (Noodle Bowl) has a BITE!

The past week has been a blur of activity.  We're back at work.  The Husband and I have been getting up at 4 a.m. to go to the gym - It's nice to know it's done but I've been draaaaaaaagging by the end of the day.   I've been cooking quick and easy.

I took out chicken on Tuesday thinking I'd come home from the first day of school and cook something fabulous and worthy of the epicness I was sure the day would be.

Who was I kidding???? I made Mac n Cheese.  My Mac n Cheese IS epic but it is also fast and easy!  I poached the chicken for something later in the week.  When I came home yesterday, I was equally exhausted and needed something fast and easy.  I saw a recipe for Dragon Noodles recently and it looked amazing.  I immediately wrote my own recipe for it and decided the chicken would be perfect with it!

I call these Gator Noodles because we came across a hot sauce that we love called Gator Hammock.  Oh. Em. Gee.  I'm a devout I-love-Buffalo-sauce kinda gal but I may like this sauce better.  It's got some heat but the flavor is outta this world!!!

2 packages wide noodles (or any type of noodle you prefer)
2 poached chicken breasts <=== you could skip this and use another protein or even tofu - OH YUM!
1 small head broccoli
1 stalk celery
1/4 cup matchstick carrots (or chopped carrots)
2 teaspoons butter
2 teaspoons canola oil
2 teaspoons Gator Hammock Sauce (or whichever hot sauce you like)

Sauce - Make 2 batches of the sauce - One for the recipe and the second to drizzle over the noodles as you eat
2 tablespoons tamari (or soy sauce)
2 tablespoons brown sugar (I use Splenda brown sugar blend)
2 tablespoons hot sauce (sriracha or garlic chile sauce would be awesome here as well)

Cook the noodles according to package directions.

While the noodles are cooking, melt the butter in a pan.  Add the oil.  Add the hot sauce.  It smells so crazy good!  Shred the chicken and add it to the pan.  Stir in the veggies and cook until tender-crisp.

Mix the sauce ingredients together.  You're going to want to make extra.  We fought over the sauce.  Elbows flying kinda fighting.  It's that good.  It really is. I wouldn't lie about food.

Drain the noodles.  Toss 'em back in the pot.  Add the the chicken and veggies.  Pour the sauce over the top.  Mix well.  Put in a bowl and top with chopped cilantro and green onions.  Chopped peanuts would be so good on this but I'm allergic to them.  Insert sad face here.  I love this dish!  The noodles are wide enough to tame the heat of the sauce.  I really didn't think it was that hot but I loooooooooove spicy food.  If you're not a fan of heat, cut the hot sauce in half or more to suit your own taste.

You can see the chaos that was my kitchen in the background.  I ignored it and sat down to eat - I'll make more sauce next time so I won't have to get up to make more.  I was really shocked that there were any leftovers.  The Husband and I shared them today at lunch.  I wanted to lick my plate but there were kids and other teachers right outside the window to my classroom.  I didn't want to scare them.  It's only the first week after all. Wait until late October.

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