Saturday, July 27, 2013

Nosh Night

Saturday is our long day at the gym.  I killed it today!!!  Killed.  It.  I did a run/walk for 35 minutes and then this little bit of punishment.

I'm pretty proud of the sweat drops that smudged the ink.  As if that wasn't enough, I did another 30 minutes on the treadmill walking on an incline.  As you can probably imagine, I was pretty wiped out.  I had an apple on the way home from the gym.  I don't normally like apples but it was probably the most amazing apple ever!!!  We had a ton of errands to run so we came home and got cleaned up.  I was soooo hungry after that workout - I made a strawberry smoothie for breakfast but that was long worn off!  (I didn't take pictures of the smoothie because I didn't have the blade on the Bullet all the way and it leaked all over the counter...  I EARNED that smoothie after that colossal mess... hahaha!)  

We went to Pei Wei for lunch.  It's one of our go to places.  We talked about going to Chipotle but The Husband said I make those at home and they're just as good.  He ordered the Pei Wei Spicy Chicken Salad (which I recreated a few nights ago... I guess it wasn't as close as the Chipotle bowls...).  I ordered the Asian Chopped Chicken Salad.

The dressing is so tangy....  sesame and ginger.  YUM!  Dave - of course- had the Pei Wei Spicy Chicken Salad.

I found this picture online.  I can never get Dave to sit still long enough to get a picture.

We went to Firehouse Subs to buy some of the Datil Pepper Sauce.  I'm super excited about a meal I'll be making soon using that and a big hunk of beef I bought at the grocery store yesterday.  We got The High Schooler some more school clothes.  We lounged around playing with this guy for a little while after we got home.  He's so much fun.

Earlier this week I did some meal planning.  Mediterranean Nosh Plates was one of the meals on the menu.  This isn't really a recipe but more of a meal idea.  It was a quick throw together meal.  It was a fun change of pace.

I'm making pesto this week too so I have some really amazing, fresh basil from Trader Joe's.  It is so fragrant and bright.  I bought a beautiful tomato and some incredible mozzarella too. I couldn't help but to make Caprese.

Thick slices of tomato and mozzarella, fresh basil, a drizzle of olive oil, and fresh ground sea salt and pepper.  My taste buds did the happy dance!!!!

I normally make my own hummus but I don't have any tahini paste right now.  I forgot to buy it (and body wash - plain soap for me until I get back to the store!) when we went shopping yesterday.  I always grab a tub of Sabra brand hummus when we go to the store for a healthy snack option (Hummus and Carrots???  Yes, please!).   My favorites are the Supremely Spicy and the Luscious Lemon but our grocery store doesn't often carry the lemon.  Sad face.

Yummmmmy!!!  This was such a simple, fun dinner. The boys loved it!

I also made some stuffed Poblano peppers.  I'll post about that tomorrow because I am falling asleep as I type this.  Stay tuned!!!!  It is well worth the wait!!!!  Here's a sneak peek!!!

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