Saturday, August 3, 2013

Stuffed Poblano Peppers and the Keys to Calm

I fell off the planet a little bit. I have been so busy!!! Summer School ended. The new school year starts on the 13th.  Registration started this week.  Monday felt like my one day off this summer and I needed to make the most of it; to find my calm before the chaos that is the beginning of the school year.  The Husband asked me if I wanted to go hiking.  I didn't hesitate to say YEEEES!!!!!!  I loooooooooooooove hiking.  I love the silence of it.  My day-to-day schedule is so incredibly hectic; this week - other than Monday - was no exception.  My mind calms when hiking.  I get to spend quality time with The Husband.  The scenery is gorgeous!!!  It's AMAZING!!!!

We headed out early in the morning to avoid the heat of the day.  It was nice and cool as we hiked up the mountain but was considerably warmer (HOT!) when we got closer to the trailhead.

This is the waterfall (it's been really dry so there isn't much water) [the picture above is from the top of the waterfall but there wasn't anywhere to sit comfortably so we tromped down to the bottom] where we stopped to have lunch.  

We stopped here for a lovely lunch - cold cut sandwiches and a cheese stick!  

It took us about 3 1/2 hours start to finish.  We stopped to eat on the way home - I had a lovely salad and The Husband had a Steak & Cheese sub.  We got a few odd glances because we looked a little rough around the edges after the long hike!

We came home and I took an indulgent bubble bath.  We had pancakes and bacon for dinner and watched a movie cuddled up with The Boys.  It was a perfect, perfect day!  It makes me smile just thinking about it.  It was absolutely beautiful!!!  

Last weekend, I posted a recipe idea for nosh plates.  I also made stuffed poblano peppers.

I get a ton of my recipe ideas watching (obsessively? maybe...) Food Network shows. A lot of my ideas come from Diners, Drive-Ins, & Dives.  We were watching a few weeks ago and Guy visited a pizza place in Western New York (a few hours from our home town).  The chef made stuffed Banana Peppers.  I wrote down the ingredients he used and planned to recreate it at home.  He didn't give specific measurements but I had the idea - banana peppers, hot cherry peppers, pepper jack cheese, Romano cheese, garlic, hot sauce, bread crumbs, onions...  YUM!  So, I made a list of what I thought at needed and headed to the store.  I added chicken to the recipe because The Husband is a bit of a carnivore.

Grocery stores here in New Mexico (at least those where I shop) don't carry big banana peppers.  But - there were some beautiful Poblano peppers.  Yum! I also bought some Jalapeño peppers and Yellow Chile peppers.  I considered Green Chiles as well but they were a little wilted and didn't look very good.  Sad face.  

Stuffed Poblano Peppers
1shredded, cooked chicken breast 
6 Poblano Peppers
2 Yellow Chile Peppers
1 Jalapeño Pepper
2 Tablespoons Hot Cherry Peppers (May be labeled Hoagie Spread)
Drizzle Olive Oil
2 Tablespoons butter or margarine
2 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 small onion
1/2 cup Parmesan Cheese
1/2 cup Pepper Jack Cheese (use any cheese you like)
1/2 cup Italian Style bread crumbs

These peppers are so gorgeous that this picture is now my Facebook picture!!!

Core the peppers (I kept the seeds and membranes in the Jalapeño and the Yellow Chile pepper because we like spicy food) and toss them with a little olive oil, salt, and pepper.  Put them in the oven at 350 degrees for 10 minutes.  We like our peppers to have a little snap to them still - if you prefer a softer pepper, bake (roast?) them a little longer.  Allow them to cool enough that you can handle them with your hands.

Add the Chicken, Jalapeño, Yellow Chiles, and 2 Poblanos to the food processor and pulse  along with the onion and garlic until nicely chopped.

Melt the butter in a heavy-bottomed skillet on the stove.  Add the chile mixture from the food processor into the skillet and added the hot cherry peppers.  Cook for about 2 minutes.   Add the bread crumbs.  Stir until blended.  Gradually add the Parmesan Cheese and Pepper Jack Cheese.  Mix until blended.  Add salt and pepper to taste.  Remove from the heat.  Let cool.  

Stuff the cooled peppers with the cooled stuffing.  Put on a cookie sheet and bake in a 350 degree oven for 5 - 7 minutes (longer if you prefer a softer pepper).

These are pretty zippy (AKA SPIIIIIIIIIICY!).  I love spicy food.  If you like less heat, remove the membranes and seeds when you core the peppers.  We really, really, really, really enjoyed these.  Some of the stuffing came out the top when we tried to cut them.  We had pita bread on our nosh plates and scooped up the filling.  Oh. Emmm.  Geee.  YUMMY!!!  Absolute yumminess!

Cooking is such a balm for me.  I love recreating what we see on TV or the ideas I come up with in the car, on the treadmill, on the hiking path.... you get the idea.  I used to think that I just needed to grab something quick on the way home when I'd had a crazy day and needed to unwind.  Now, I'm finding that chopping and sautéing and mashing are the best segue into a relaxed evening after the chaos of the day.  Not only do I get to control what goes into what we eat, I get to chill out a little.  I don't have time to hike every day but I can cook something for my family.  

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