Friday, August 16, 2013

Pesto Pasta... and once more for good measure!

Have you ever eaten at Nothing but Noodles?  There were 2 locations here in Albuquerque but they've gone out of business.  I really liked the pesto dish.  Lots of yummy mushrooms and spinach in the most divine pesto creaminess.  It still makes me a little sad when we drive by where it was.  Sad face.  Such a sad, sad face.  There was also a thai curry soup that is good enough to make you smack your spouse.  [I know, most people say "Slap your Grandma" but my Gram is to sweet to slap.]

Anyway.  Pesto.  Right.  I love it.  Well, not always.  I didn't love it at all - I didn't even like it a little bit until The Husband ordered it at NBN and I tried a bite.  Swoon.  I've tried it other places but it's too oily and heavy.  Blech.  No thank you.  

One of the many reasons I enjoy cooking at home is the cost benefit.  It's so much cheeper to eat at home.  I love that I can control what my family eats.  The older I get, the more freaked out I am by restaurant food.  What goes in there?  Are the chefs (cooks???) dripping sweat into my food?  Did the salad guy wash his hands?  Is someone wearing a bandaid without a glove?  Thank you Hell's Kitchen and some of the creepy contestants that skeeved me out...

When we went to Trader Joe's last month, I bought some fresh basil and a bag of walnuts. 

Pesto is so quick and easy to make...  SOOOO quick and easy!!!!  I made a batch of pesto and was able to get two meals out of it.  It freezes fabulously!!!  

Pesto Sauce
2 cups fresh basil leaves
1/2 cup walnuts
1/2 cup Parmesan Cheese - get the good stuff and grate it yourself - it makes a difference
Salt and Pepper to taste (you shouldn't need much salt because the cheese has a nice salty bite)
Olive Oil - enough to make it all smooth

Add everything to the food processor and run until well chopped.  Add enough olive oil to make it smooth.  Sometimes if I want to make it creamier, I add 1/4 cup of the pasta water.  The starch from the pasta does its magic and you won't have to add cream or butter or extra calories.  The walnuts, cheese, and olive oil don't necessarily make this a low cal dish.  I'm sure making this at home versus ordering it in a restaurant cuts the calories.  [I'm not so arrogant to think that my pesto beats out a great Italian place but this is my favorite pesto ever!]  

Put half in a container (or plastic baggie) to freeze.  

Cook pasta according to package directions.  I used rigatoni but use what you have on hand.  

Drain pasta (saving some water if you want to creamify (yeah, creamify!) the sauce.

Mix the remaining pesto into the noodles.  Sprinkle with parmesan and chopped parsley.  Dig in!!!  

Sooo good!!!!

I took chicken out of the freezer yesterday but the boys coerced me into Panda Express yesterday.  I put my foot down today and told them I was cooking dinner.  It's such a nice transition from hectic work week to weekend.  I had no idea what to do with the chicken. I toyed with the idea of Chicken Parmesan but didn't have any marinara in the freezer.  I have plans for lone can of crushed tomatoes in the pantry so I scrapped that idea.  I remembered the leftover pesto in the freezer.  OH HAPPY DANCE!!!!

I marinated 3 chicken breasts (each cut in half) in 2 tablespoons of the pesto sauce and 2 minced garlic cloves for about 20 minutes.

Chicken Coating
1/2 cup italian bread crumbs
1/4 cup shredded parmesan
2 teaspoons italian seasoning
2 teaspoons garlic powder
dash cayenne

Mix all of the ingredients in a plastic baggie.  Add the chicken.  Shake Shake Shake.  

Place the chicken on a line cookie sheet.  Put in a 375 degree oven until the chicken reaches an internal temperature of 165 degrees (about 20 minutes).

Meanwhile, cook (and drain) some pasta and toss with the remaining pesto sauce.  Top with the chicken when done.  Get out of the way because you may get trampled if you don't!  It's THAT good!!!!  

Happy Friday!!! Time to unplug for  a little bit!!!  

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