Sunday, August 4, 2013

Sunday, Sunday... Slow Roasted Beef Sandwiches

This has been yet another amazing weekend.  Yesterday, we did our long work out and came home for a quiet day.  We all know that a happy day for me includes cooking.  Oh how it makes me happy!!!  If I'm not cooking on the weekend, I'm spending time on Food Gawker and Pinterest searching for new ideas.  I'm a total food nerd.  A few weeks ago I was stumped when writing my meal plan for the week.      I asked my FaceBook friends for ideas.  Several suggested pull pork sandwiches.  I'm always game for a good pulled pork.  The husband was all for it BUUUUUUT only if we went to Firehouse Subs to buy a bottle of their signature hot sauce.  It's sweet and hot and perfectly lovely.  So, I added pulled pork to the list.  I have a tattered notebook that I write all of my recipe ideas and meal plans in.  It's a mess....

I go to the grocery store with this list and the grocery list I create.  We stood in front of the pork and there wasn't a single piece that looked good for pulled pork.  We were pretty full from lunch and I truly believe that may be just as bad as going grocery shopping when hungry.  Nothing looks or sounds good.  It's a real dilemma.  The butcher came out with some serious hunks of beef.  Even though I wasn't hungry, I knew one of those babies needed to go into our cart.  Pulled pork morphed into slow roasted beef.  I write recipes driving, running, showering...  Why not shopping????  

Look at this hunk of beef....  How gorgeous is that????  

I want a smoker but haven't found one that grabs me yet.  I thought "What if I buy the wood chips and put them in the oven with the hunk o' meat???"  So... that's what I did....  These are Alder wood chips.  I liked the way the word Alder felt in my mouth so I bought them.  I did some research and found out these chips are best for pork, poultry, and fish.  {I bought these before the hunk o'meat...}

I poured about 1/3 of the bag into a small baking pan and filled it with water to the top.

I rubbed the beef with a little olive oil and some seasoning - I love Canadian Steak Seasoning.  I bought this container at Costco.  It's a fave here.

I rubbed both sides of the roast and put it in an oven safe pot.  I covered it with foil and put it in the sauna (errr, oven!) with the wood chips.  Low and slow.... 300 degrees for 3 hours....

It smelled so good in our house!!!  While the beef was cooking, I made my cole slaw.  It's sweet and spicy and creamy.  SOOOOO good.

1 bag shredded cabbage (cole slaw mix)
1/2 cup mayo
1/4 cup milk
1 - 2 tablespoons sugar
1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper

Mix the mayo, milk, sugar, and cayenne in a bowl.  Pour over the cabbage.  Mix it together.  It may seem a little dry at first but after it sits, it will come together.

I took the beef out of the oven to let it rest.  Oh my!!!  It smelled sooooooooooo soooooooo sooooooo good!!!!

My oh my!!!!

Slice it up.

We bought some yummy rolls just for this meal.  Fresh bread makes a great sandwich!!!!

Place the meat on the roll.  Top with the Datil Hot Sauce.  Add Cole Slaw.  Cut in half.  Dig in!!!!

I love the blend of savory beef, the sweet spice of the Datil Sauce, and the creaminess of the coleslaw.

In a side note, I don't know that the wood chips imparted any smokiness into the beef but it was quite tasty!!!

We had another jam packed day today so now I'm ready to sit on the sofa and veg.  I already watched True Blood - this is the season that Sookie gets in touch with her anger.  OOOPH!   I need to go to to vote for my favorite pilot for The Next Food Network Star - GOOOOO DAMARIS!!!! {GIRL POWER!!!!!}  :)  There's a new show airing tonight... The Shed...  It looks like Duck Dynasty meets cooking show.  It looks like a TV train wreck...  I can't wait!!!!  I'll tell y'all about our Sensational Sunday later!!!

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