Sunday, December 15, 2013

Moscow Mule

We finally decorated for Christmas.  Here is my view from the kitchen.

The Christmas season always sneaks up on me and kicks me in the hind end!  We had a busy week.  Friday, our friend retired from the Air Force after 24 years of service.  There's only one left in the Fab 4.  He retires next month.  It's the end of an era.  It will be a completely different Air Force.  The girls had a fun trip in a limo around time.  We pinky promised though.  What happens in the limo, stays in the limo!!!

We had a marathon cookie decorating session at My Lovely, Ash's house yesterday.  Granny wanted 9,000 Christmas cookies decorated.  You think I'm exaggerating.  I'm not.  I swear there were more pictures but I don't know what happened to them.  I took hundreds (now I'm exaggerating) with my phone but none are there.  Here's a pic of the best of the best.  One of The Guys made the Ninja Turtles.  He also made Darth Vader and a Big Yellow Donut.  The Lovely Lisa scolded them and told them it was all quantity and less quality.  Lisa and I decorated about 1,000 cookies each.  The Guys decorated maybe 10 each.  Not exaggerating.  Really.  I'm not.

The husband and I had to finish up our Christmas shopping today.  Ugh.  We started out happy! (Okay; I'll admit it... this picture was from the other day but it's way too cute to not include when I talk about us being happy!)

We sure were happy to be finished!!!! We got home and I started dinner (a post for later) and The Husband asked if I wanted a drink.  Oh yes I did!!!!  

The Husband's brother made this for him when he went to Arizona for Thanksgiving.  It's called a Moscow Mule.

For 2 drinks
4 ounces vodka (We used Grey Goose)
Juice of 1 lime
12 ounce bottle ginger ale (We used Natural Brew Outrageous Ginger Ale)

Fill a glass with ice.  Add 2 oz Vodka (we like Grey Goose) and the juice of 1/2 lime.  Pour ginger ale into the glass (about a cup or to taste). Stir.  Sip.  Oh yummmmmmmy!!! The ginger and the lime together are amazing.  I was worried the vodka would be overpowering.  Nope.  Not at all!!!  Totally made up for 5 hours of Christmas shopping!!!!

Now to wrap all those presents. Too bad we don't have any ginger ale left!!!!

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