Monday, July 15, 2013

Getting over a case of the Mondays

I wasn't in a great mood today.  My head hurt.  I was tired and a little whiny. I wanted to go here...

This is Edja Lake (or Lac Edja).  It's outside of Gracefield, Quebec.  It's my favorite place on the planet.  My sister took this picture when my family was there last week.  Since that wasn't an option, all I wanted to do was come home, cook something yummy and cuddle with my Menfolk.   And hang out with this guy...  This is Leo.  He's our French Bulldog.  I adore him.  He met me at the door today.  The Husband was right behind him with a hug and a kiss.  Then he got me a cold Stout.  I love that man!

Pretzel Roll Cheeseburgers

Pretzel Rolls (we bought these at Sprouts)
Burger Patties - We had a ton in the freezer that we didn't use for a get-together last month that I wanted to use up (you can make your own, use turkey burgers, or veggie burgers if you don't eat meat)
Stout Peppers & Onions (see recipe below)
Cheddar Cheese

Stout Peppers & Onions

On my drive home, I was thinking about what goes well with pretzels.  First thought?  BEER!!!  ...and mustard.  I was already planning to make some caramelized onions and bell peppers for the burgers so I  decided to kick it up a notch.  In the immortal words of Emeril Lagasse: BAM!

1 small onion
1 small bell pepper
1 jalapeño
1/2 beef broth (not pictured)
1/4 cup Stout beer (or any beer you prefer - if you don't drink beer at all, just leave it out)
2 tablespoons spicy brown mustard
1 teaspoon minced garlic
salt & pepper to taste

I threw some tater tots in the over and started cooking the peppers.  Once the grill was hot enough, I threw the pre-formed burgers on the grill.  My sister Sarah came for dinner with a bag of cabbage in hand and a please-oh-please-make-me-coleslaw-because-I-missed-it-yesterday grin.  I couldn't say no so I made a quick batch of cole slaw.

When the burgers were done, I melted some shredded cheddar on top.  This meal came together in less than 30 minutes.  The peppers and onions have a great tang from the beer and mustard.  It was a really great burger!!!

After cooking dinner and spending some time with the fam, I'm feeling much more like myself.

Oh believe me; I do!!!!

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